Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the 2021 SkillsUSA National Competition was held via remote sessions June 15 and 16. Normally, the National Competition would have been held in-person in Atlanta with over 6,000 students attending. To recognize the hard work and achievements of the students, it was decided to conduct the competition using remote, on-line tools.
The SkillsUSA National competition tests the knowledge and skills of career and technical education students in over 100 different categories. The Graphic Communications student finalists were tested in five different areas:
Students participating in on-line assessment with Industry Experts
Oral Professional Assessment - the student is interviewed by two graphic communications professionals. The student is given a choice of several job openings and takes part in a simulated job interview meeting.
Production Planning - the student is provided sample specifications for a bound printed project and must calculate the time and costs of producing it via traditional offset and digital printing processes.
Electronic Prepress - tests the student’s ability to layout and prepare a printing project using Adobe software products. The students submit final PDF files which are evaluated for print readiness and accuracy.
Graphic Communications General Knowledge Test - consists of 50 questions aligned to the PrintED Skill Competencies.
Offset Press Simulation - tests the student’s problem-solving ability using the virtual Sheetfed Offset Simulator from Sinapse, students are presented with the challenges of operating an offset press in real time. The student is graded on how well they solve a printing problem, how fast they adjust the press for a solution and since the press is “running” the students are also assessed in how much paper waste is generated while they are solving the problem.
Sinapse Sheetfed Offset Press Simulator
On June 25, a virtual awards ceremony was held on-line. Winners from each category were announced, along with introductions of new SkillsUSA student leaders from around the USA. Students were encouraged to organize Watch Parties with their classmates and families. As the winners were announced, it was exhilarating to see the excitement from the student winners. Not quite the same as in-person, but close!
The Medalist winners for the Graphic Communications category are:
High School
GOLD - Aryan Chaudhary, Walton High School, Marietta, GA
SILVER - Gricelda Mendez, Somerville High School, Somerville, MA
BRONZE - Yvette Hammer, Upper Valley Career Center, Piqua, OH
GOLD - Justin W McClellan, Augusta Technical College, Augusta, GA
SILVER - Gavin Brown, Tulsa Technology Center-Sand Springs, Sand Springs, OK
Medalists were awarded Scholarships provided by the Printing and Graphics Scholarship Foundation (www.pgsf.org).
Award Ceremony June 25.
Frank Kanonik, Managing Director of Intellective Solutions is a member of the technical committee of SkillsUSA. He can be reached at fkanonik@intellectives.com.